Live Rating Chess (2024)

1. Live Chess Ratings & Chess Rankings (September 2024)

  • Weltranglisten · Classem*nts d'échecs en direct · Live Chess Ratings · Blitz

  • Follow the live chess ratings of the best chess players in the world (Carlsen, Caruana, Mamedyarov...). See the weekly changes on ratings and how the rankings change.

2. Live Chess Ratings & Rankings

  • Live Chess Ratings... · By Age · Sub 12 · Sub2300

  • Chess Live Rankings & Ratings, player games🔥🔥 🤖 Statistics, graphs, customized ranks, players by country, calculators, world ⌛ Chess Tournaments ~400.000 players database

3. FIDE Ratings and Statistics

  • International Chess Federation · Top Chess Federations Open · Carlsen, Magnus

  • © 2023 FIDE International Chess Federation. All Rights Reserved. No part of this site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way or by any means (including photocopying, recording or storing it in any medium by electronic means), without the written permission of FIDE International Chess Federation.

4. Live Chess Ratings & Chess Rankings (augustus 2024)

5. Bullet Leaderboard - Chess Rankings

  • Oops. Looks like there was an error. Sorry! Please refresh. Ready to Play Chess? Play Online; Play Friends; vs Computer; Tournaments. Play Now. Google Play ...

  • Home Play

6. Standard Top 100 Players September 2024 - FIDE Ratings

  • Rank, Name, Title, Country, Rating, Games, B-Year. 1, Carlsen, Magnus, g, NOR, 2832, 0, 1990. 2, Nakamura, Hikaru, g, USA, 2802, 0, 1987.

  • FIDE - World Chess Federation, Online ratings, individual calculations

7. Chess Leaderboards & Chess Rankings

8. Rozman, Levy tiene 2370 elo FIDE y actualmente ...

  • Chess Live Rankings & Ratings, player games Statistics, graphs, customized ranks, players by country, by age, calculators, world ⌛ Chess Tournaments ...

  • Chess Live Rankings & Ratings, player games🔥🔥 🤖 Statistics, graphs, customized ranks, players by country, calculators, world ⌛ Chess Tournaments ~400.000 players database

9. Chess Daily News by Susan Polgar Live Ratings Archives

  • Top LIVE rating list June 5, 2015 ( 1 Carlsen 2876.0 0.0 2847.0 2933.0 24 2 Caruana 2805.0 0.0 2829.0 2679.0 22

10. ECF Online Ratings - English Chess Online

  • The ECF internet ratings are published monthly during each month based on games played up to the end of the previous month. Any revisions to the list will ...

  • ECF Online Ratings are now maintained within the main ECF rating system with current ratings available at the link here: The form below provides...

11. Players & Ratings - The United States Chess Federation

  • You can also look up the rating and performance of any member of the US Chess Federation (US Chess), and learn more about how ratings are computed, or what ...

  • The United States Chess Federation

12. Live Commentary at Café de Zon | Tata Steel Chess Tournament

  • Each round of the tournament, one of our experienced Dutch chess players will guide you through the seven games being played in the Masters, providing ...

  • Café de Zon

13. Chess Rankings & Leaderboards - Chess Terms

  • The chess ranking system is designed to make it easy for people to compare the performance of several players. The system is based on each player's Elo rating.

  • Learn what Chess rankings are and how they relate to chess ratings! All of the information you need to know about chess rankings, leaderboards, and more!

Live Rating Chess (2024)


What is a 2700 rating in chess? ›

This list of top-ranked chess grandmasters is ordered by their peak Elo rating. The cut-off value is 2700 for men (players with a rating at or above this value are colloquially known as super grandmasters) and 2500 for women.

Who is the world no. 2 chess player? ›

GM Hikaru Nakamura 2802 | #2

Hikaru Nakamura was born December 9, 1987 in Hirakata, Japan. His family moved to the United States when he was just two years old, and the Stars and Stripes are the only national banner he has known as a chess player.

How to see live chess ratings? ›

You can see the highest FIDE ratings of every 2700+ player at Also you can see the Top-20 players were in any month starting from June 1967 as well as the greatest historical players and their virtual ratings as calculated by Professor Arpad Elo.

Who has the highest chess rating right now? ›

Magnus Carlsen 2832

Is Elo rating 3000 possible? ›

Grandmasters at a level of 3000 might be still a tiny minority, and there are worldwide only 4-5 players with a real rating of 2900-3000 ELO points.

Is 1200 chess rating ok? ›

A rating between 800 and 1200 is generally considered a good starting point for novice players. This range indicates that they have a grasp of the fundamental principles and can play competently against other beginners.

What is Magnus Carlsen's IQ? ›

While his exact IQ is speculative, estimates suggest it ranges between 190 and 200, placing him among the highest echelons of cognitive ability. This article explores Carlsen's intellectual journey, his contributions to chess, and the broader implications of his cognitive skills.

Who has defeated Magnus Carlsen the most? ›

Anand and Aronian have won the most games against Magnus Carlsen, the world's best chess player .

How many times did Magnus Carlsen lose? ›

To date (28th January 2023) he's played 1901 classical games, winning 771, losing 278 & drawing 851. So 278 lost games. Nobody's beaten him consistently, & he had a record 125 game streak lasting over 2 years without losing a single game. Carlsen and other top players lose all the time.

Who is the youngest chess grandmaster? ›

The Youngest Grandmaster in the World. Abhimanyu Mishra of New Jersey, is a chess prodigy.

Which country invented chess? ›

The game of chess was born in India during the Gupta dynasty in the 6th century. Today, more than 1500 years later, it is played in 172 countries. Chess is one of India's contribution to world culture, with games played in the court of kings, to those played in villages, and now, is a professional sport.

Is 1000 rating in chess ok? ›

How good is a 1000 rating in chess? A chess player with a rating of 1000 will be placed in the 'Novice' category by the ELO rating system. The USCF rating system will place the same player in the category of 'Class E. ' This means that the player has a low ranking in both approaches.

How bad is 700 chess rating? ›

It's pretty good. The average rapid chess rating is only 733, so whoever told you that anything under 1000 is terrible was misinformed.

How much does a grandmaster chess player make? ›

On average Grandmasters make $20000-$75000. These numbers are very relative to the country in which they are living, their language, stream of income. Elite-level grandmasters (Top 15 in the world) earn more than $75000 per year.

How many chess players have reached 2700? ›

As of September 2023, there are 133 chess players in history who broke 2700, and 14 of them exceeded 2800.

Is 4000 chess rating possible? ›

Since Someone That Has Higher Ranks Can Lose Games Such As Magnus Carlsen and Hikaru Nakamura. But Is It Possible To Maintain A Win Streak That Can Reach 3500 - 4000 Elo Of Such? No, not for humans.

Is 850 a good chess rating? ›

4 = Advanced I: ~850-1250 Rating USCF (or 1300-1599 Rating on, Student is at Tournament Level, is highly enthused about chess and can compete in the ranges mentioned above. 5 = Advanced II: ~1200-1500 Rating USCF (or 1600+ Rating on various Online Chess platforms).

Is 2800 a good chess rating? ›

If you get above, let's say 1800 FIDE rating, you're already a strong player. Anything beyond that is nothing short of amazing. But when it comes to ratings around 2800, it means you've achieved what only a handful people have in this world. It requires total dedication and persistence to reach such a stage.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.